
Tuesday, October 15, 2019

My pepeha

WALT:We are learning our  pepeha 
My pepeha
Ko Tianah ahau        
(My name is Tianah)
Ko maunga peko te maunga
( My Mountain is maunga peko) 

Awanui te awa 
(my river is awanui) 

Ko ngati kuri toku iwi
(my tribe is ngati kuri)

Ko waiora te marae

(my marae is waiora

It was easy drawing and colouring.

what is your pepeha?

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


WALT: Weare learning to design and create pallet garden prototypes.

What did you find challenging?  
        I found it challenging by trying not to burn myself with the hot glue gun because I got burnt five times. 

What I find hard 
 I found it hard trying to get the sticks straight because the sticks kept on going crooked.    

What I enjoyed
I didn’t enjoy burning myself with the hot glue gun because I kept burning myself.

My favourite part
My favourite part was finishing my prototype because I wanted to see what my prototype looked like.

equipment list


I chose this design because I think It will work. The sunlight get in from the front view but just not from the back view.

It was easy making my prototype

have you done a prototype before

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Te Maun huruhuru o Te kura o paparore.

Walt: We are learning to be awesome kuaka of paparore school

Division,Read, Description, Vocab,Writing
Positive,Resilient,Rereketanga,Take Risks
Tuakana-Teina,Role model,leader,
Environment,Kaitiakitanga,look after, Future 

On Wednesday we made a kuaka. Whea Kelly gave us a three pieces of  paper with feathers on it. We write words on the feathers. Then we had to colour them in and cut them out. Then I sit down by Whea Kelly to help me glue the feathers on the kuaka. Whea kelly cut the kuaka out. Then I put it on the wall by the tree.  


It was easy colouring the feathers.

Have you seen a kuaka


WALT: we are learning to be kaitiaki in our community.


Today with Nina we had our Second Session. We  got look and Touch the equipment like fish net trap, Magnet scope and Scoop net. We got to test them out to see if the water is clean or not.

It was fun testing the equipment.

what do you know about whitebait?

Whitebait connection

Fresh water
Looking after our lake

What is whitebait?

What do whitebait eat?

Why do whitebait need fresh water?

Why is there water rats in the lake?  

Yesterday we had lady come in and she talked to us about whitebait connection. I like sharing our Ideas  because we get to learn about whitebait connection

I really like l learing about whitebait connection

What do you know about whitebait?

Monday, July 1, 2019

My pepha

Walt: I am learing my pepha. 
School pepha
Ko Maunga Peko Te maunga
Ko Awanui te awa
Ko ?  toku waka
Ko Ngati kuri + Ngait rangi toku iwi
Ko waiora + E koro kiatutuki
No Ngawha + Te hapua ahau
Kei Paparore Road toku inaianei
Ko paparore toku kura 
Ko waa + petera toku whanau
Ko Tame toku papa
Ko Frances toku mama
Ko Tianah touku ingoa

I am still learing my pepha. I am going to find out what I need to put in my pepha.

Do you know your pepha?


  Walt: We are learning about matariki

     When is matariki- 13 of july
     Where is matariki- Matariki is found north east.
     What- Matariki is the Māori name for the cluster of stars. 
     5 facts about matariki-

 1.Matariki is one of the stars clusters            
       Nearest to earth. 

2. The reappearance of the seven Matariki stars in late May or early June, signals the beginning of the Maori New Year.

 3. A cluster is a group of stars that are near each other in space. 

4. The stars clusters is visible to the naked eye from most parts of our planet.

5. You can see Matariki for yourself.

It was trying not to get paint all over my fingers.

What do you know about matariki


Friday, June 21, 2019


Walt: We are learning to play ki-o-rah.
Ara was bending the ferns so rah can catch up to them. So rah can see were they are going.

It was hard to draw the picture because I did'nt know what to think of

What do you know about ki-o-rah?

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Learning maps

Walt: We are learning about who and what helps us learn.

My learning map shows that my mum and dad help with my home work.

It was easy thinking about who helps me in my learning.

Who helps you in your learning?

Monday, June 17, 2019

swim safely

Walt:We are learning to swim safely

I am able to float on my front and back. Yes

I can do front glide with correct kicking. Yes

I can glide on my back with correct kicking. Yes

I can swim freestyle. Yes

I can swim backstroke. Yes

I can do sculling to keep afloat. Yes

I can swim one length of freestyle with correct breathing. Yes

It is swimming one length of freenstyle

What do you know about swimming safely?

.P.E. Assessment

Walt: We are learning to catch and pass a large balls
When I did my Chest pass I had to step into my throw so my partner can catch the ball.

When I did my side pass I had to stand on an angle so I can throw it to my partner so she can catch the ball.

When I did my lob pass I had to step into my pass so I can throw it to my partner so she can catch the ball.

When I did my bounce pass l had to bounce it so my partner could catch the ball.

My favourtie part was side passing the ball to my partner.
What do you know about .P.E?

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

garden with science

Walt: We are learning to show what a word means using google draw.  

I like using google draw because it's easy for me.

have you use google draw.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Gardening With Science

Walt: We are learning to identify topic specific words and find their meaning.

 An environment in which something may take root and grow.
The light of the sun.

Garden where vegetables are raised for market.

A treelike tropical plant with large leaves and flower clusters that develop into a bunch of finger-shaped fruit which are usually yellow when ripe
its fruit.

an area of knowledge that is an object of study something  that may be studied or learned like a science 

 I really like this activity It was easy writing the meaning of the words 

What do you know about gardening?

Friday, May 3, 2019

My holiday

Walt:We are learning to write,edit and recraft our writing.

Text- To write my story I made a plan at the top of the page.Then I wrote my story underneath.The green writing shows the editing I have done and the red parts show what mr Masters helped me with.

Sizzling water
Rotten eggs
Heaps of us
My Cousins,my Auntys,my uncles,my nanas and papas
Watching a movie
Going to the Ngawha springs
Table tennis
Going to waitanga on the waka
Eater hunt
Playing bat down
Playing on the ipad
Kapa haka

On the holidays I when to my nanas

We when to ngaw school to stay there with
     Went      Ngawha
our famliy. When we got there me and all of
our cousins where playing table tennis in
the games room, it was so fun. On friday

we went to waitanga on the waka. it was
amazing. When we went on the waka we

were paddleing out in the deep. while we
        Paddling                            W
were in the deep we all most crashed into

the other boats. When my Uncle tryed to
turn the waka around he brock paddle but it  
                                     Broke  the
was very scray. On Satrday we were doing
              Scary       saturday
a eater hunt. it was cool. but when my
  Easter        I     B             
Auntys and Uncles were hiding the eggs  
we had to do kapa haka first, but it was

Boring. After the easter hunt we went to the
ngaw  springs. on the way driving there Ngawha   S O
smelled like rotten eggs. When we got


it was so cool. My favourite pools were the

bulldog that was 44 digreas,and the baby
B                              Degrees
one that was 35 digreas and other one
Is tanemauhut that is the one with mud in  
    Tane mahta
it. that one was 34 digreas and there is
   T                       Degrees
another one called the doctor because not

Very much people go in that pool. that one
V                                                    T
Was 45 digreas that one was really sizzling  
W          Degrees
Hot. On Sunday it was home time but I did
Want go home. it was really fun but I really
enjoy going to my nanas house.    

Degrees    Tane Mahuta      Ngawha Aunties      Easter Saturday Scary   
Broke     paddling   Waitangi were
Family    went

It was easy drawing using a google draw.It was hard spelling the big words in my writing.

Question:What did you do in the hoildays.