
Friday, May 3, 2019

My holiday

Walt:We are learning to write,edit and recraft our writing.

Text- To write my story I made a plan at the top of the page.Then I wrote my story underneath.The green writing shows the editing I have done and the red parts show what mr Masters helped me with.

Sizzling water
Rotten eggs
Heaps of us
My Cousins,my Auntys,my uncles,my nanas and papas
Watching a movie
Going to the Ngawha springs
Table tennis
Going to waitanga on the waka
Eater hunt
Playing bat down
Playing on the ipad
Kapa haka

On the holidays I when to my nanas

We when to ngaw school to stay there with
     Went      Ngawha
our famliy. When we got there me and all of
our cousins where playing table tennis in
the games room, it was so fun. On friday

we went to waitanga on the waka. it was
amazing. When we went on the waka we

were paddleing out in the deep. while we
        Paddling                            W
were in the deep we all most crashed into

the other boats. When my Uncle tryed to
turn the waka around he brock paddle but it  
                                     Broke  the
was very scray. On Satrday we were doing
              Scary       saturday
a eater hunt. it was cool. but when my
  Easter        I     B             
Auntys and Uncles were hiding the eggs  
we had to do kapa haka first, but it was

Boring. After the easter hunt we went to the
ngaw  springs. on the way driving there Ngawha   S O
smelled like rotten eggs. When we got


it was so cool. My favourite pools were the

bulldog that was 44 digreas,and the baby
B                              Degrees
one that was 35 digreas and other one
Is tanemauhut that is the one with mud in  
    Tane mahta
it. that one was 34 digreas and there is
   T                       Degrees
another one called the doctor because not

Very much people go in that pool. that one
V                                                    T
Was 45 digreas that one was really sizzling  
W          Degrees
Hot. On Sunday it was home time but I did
Want go home. it was really fun but I really
enjoy going to my nanas house.    

Degrees    Tane Mahuta      Ngawha Aunties      Easter Saturday Scary   
Broke     paddling   Waitangi were
Family    went

It was easy drawing using a google draw.It was hard spelling the big words in my writing.

Question:What did you do in the hoildays.

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